15 pt. Composition Regency Binders


15 pt. Composition Regency Binders

Composition Binders (also known as Regency or Lexide) provide a premium
and high-end look to paper-based binders. Great for short term projects
and presentations. Composition Binders can be silk-screened, foil stamped
or debossed.

Colors Available:
• Black
• Navy
• Maroon
• Dark Green

15 pt. Composition regency BINDERS
PA101L 1/2"              
PA102L 3/4"              
PA103L 1"              
PA104L 1½"              
P30C 30 Pt. Composition (ADD)              
M11 Metal Ring Protectors (ADD)              
APF1 1-Position Foil Stamp* (ADD)              
APF2 2-Position Foil Stamp* (ADD)              
AS1 1-Color Silk-screen (ADD)              
AS2 2-Color Silk-screen (ADD)              
AS3 3-Color Silk-screen (ADD)              
A037 One Horizontal Pocket (ADD)              
A038 Two Horizontal Pockets (ADD)